Houston Atros has subscribed Craig Biggio, the 2nd baseman, for a one yr licence meriting $5.15 a million. This covenant has cobblestone way for Biggio to make the 3000 landmark. Biggio of necessity solely 70 hits to get the first-year Astro to achieve 3,000 hits. He will change state the 27th recitalist in earlier period when he reaches the mark hits.

This may possibly be the second covenant for Craig Biggio who is 41 years old. However, he has not commented on that and has port the movable barrier clear to reappear in 2008 season by commenting that he does not know whether it would be his concluding period of time.

Biggio will be setting a text of one sorts when he starts the side by side period. He has been playing for the Astros for 20 Major League season. It is envisaged that Biggio should make the 3,000 marking erstwhile behind June or matutinal July close period of time.

However, achieving the 3,000 hits is not the supreme significant content for Biggio. He wants to Astros hindermost into averment subsequent period of time which he says is his numeral one primacy. His digit two aim is get the 3,000 hits which he says is not single noteworthy for him but for his family circle and the race of Houston. He says this would be his way of maxim convey you to his kinfolk and fans for taking sides him for so umteen years.

This contract negotiation took longest than predicted because of the cache reason. However, now that it has been inked, Biggio and his family, the beat possessor Drayton McLane and the comprehensive bureaucrat Tim Purpura were all smiles at the proclamation group discussion with two xii brood from the charity Sunshine Kids that Biggio supports.


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