You have a brand new baby. Congratulations!!! Now what$%: Well
here are some things to expect from baby in the first month of
life. Some of these things may or may not happen with your
baby. All babies are different, so don't be concerned if they
do not happen to your baby, in fact your life may be easier if
you don't have to go through them.
Jaundice- The yellowing of baby due to an increased amount of
bili reuben in the blood. Usually this will disappear within
about two weeks or 14 days. In some cases especially in
premature babies, babies need to be treated and stay under a
special bili rueben light until bili Reuben levels return to
normal. Jaundice is more common in boys and in babies that are
premature, jaundice is nothing to be to concerned about, your Dr
will let you know if baby needs treatment or not.
Infant Acne- You might find it odd as I did, that your newborn
little angel has what looks like little zits all over his/her
little face. This is most common in breastfeed babies because
the baby is getting extra hormones through there mother's milk.
Not to worry this will go away just as quickly as it started it
might take a few weeks, but it won't leave scars or marks. In a
few weeks you will have that beautiful soft as a baby's butt
skin you always imagined.
Marketplace these are reflected ; Archived by month 13
Taking care of the umbilical cord- Don't give baby a full bath
until the umbilical cord falls off. Sponge baths will do just
fine. Keep the umbilical cord dry and exposed to a lot of air.
Clean the umbilical cord with alcohol.
Turn the diaper down and the shirt up. Also try and protect the
skin around the umbilical cord. Alcohol can irritate the skin
and make it red. Try putting lotion or baby powder around the
belly button, and try using a cotton swab to dab on the alcohol.
The umbilical cord stub will fall off in a week or two, and
then you can give baby his/her first bath.
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Circumcision- To take care of a baby after circumcision is
usually not a pleasant experience for you or your baby. To make
baby more comfortable use double diapers to help cushion baby
from rubbing against the circumcision. Now a days Dr's use a
circumcision ring and that will fall off when the area has
Bowel Movements- Your newborn baby should have 5 or more dirty
diapers a day. This seems like quite a lot but its normal. In
newborn babies watery loose stools are also normal.
Spitting Up- It may seem like more is coming back up then going
down, but this is not the case. Chances are a teaspoon or two
is all that is coming up although it looks like a lot more. If
baby is drinking formula the formula may not agree with him/her,
so discuss your concerns with your Doctor.